70 - 80 % of all breakdowns in hydraulic and lubrication systems are
due to excess contamination of the fluids and components used. In
practice, this is often not sufficiently recognized. HYDAC offers a
comprehensive range of easy-to-use measurement and analysis
equipment to monitor fluid condition and technical cleanliness.
Fluid laboratory vehicles are at your service worldwide
is not unusual for drive forces in
hydraulics to be transferred to the
moving machine components via
complex kinematic mechanisms.
Examples of such transmission
structures can be found in moving
platforms with several degrees
of freedom, on robots, chassis
structures, presses and numerous
other applications in general
machine building.
Multi-body dynamics enables the
stationary and dynamic behaviour of
planar or spatial mechanisms to be
analysed, taking all the forces and
movement variables into account.
The interlinking of forces of
different drive units or the effect of
mechanical elasticities of the driven
machine structure can be taken into
account.The use of modern, environmentally-friendly hydraulic
and lubrication oils has increased the risk of electrostatic
charging and discharging. Uncontrollable voltage
flashovers destroy filter elements, damage valves and
sensors and accelerate oil ageing. HYDAC Stat-Free?
filter element technology prevents these undesirable
impacts and increases the safety of the machine tool
for the operator.
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